A 100% laser treatment without contacting or cutting the cornea

The new SmartSurface (TRANS-PRK) surface treatment is a non-contact, non-cutting surface ablation. This is the big difference from other existing technologies. The treatment takes only a few seconds. The advanced SmartSurface technology (transPRK) allows for more precise, uniform and easier removal of the epithelium than manual removal.

The main advantage is therefore better quality of vision. And you avoid any potential complications that may arise from cutting a corneal flap. The video below shows you exactly how our equipment works and what to expect.

100% laser eye surgery SmartSurface (Trans PKR): no contact, no cutting

CEMO is a technical platform that combines the experience of surgeons and the high optical technology offered by the world leaders in this field: the Schwind Group and its EXCIMER AMARIS 750S and EXCIMER AMARIS 1050S S lasers for corneal reshaping. The video below explains, in a very simple way, how it works.

We use this technology which has the following characterics:

  • The smallest beam (super-Gaussian beam of 0.50 mm diameter), for better accuracy of treatment.
  • The largest treatment diameters (up to 8.00 mm for hyperopia, 8.00 mm for myopia and 10 mm for astigmatism.), for better vision.
  • The widest treatment range up to -14.00 for myopia, +8.00 for hyperopia, and 6.00 for astigmatism.
  • The Eye-Tracker (an image recognition system that tracks the smallest eye movements during treatment), which is the most accurate (the only system that can measure in six dimensions) and the fastest: it measures more than 1,000 eye movements per second. This eye-tracker is able to follow all the eye movements (versions, as well as rotations and rolling) by using a triple recognition system of the position of the eye: recognition of the iris, of the pupil and recognition of the limbus.
  • Personalized treatments by aberrometry. This is a laser which is connected to a second-generation aberrometer (analyzes more than 1,000 points).

An interesting article was published by the The Dangers of Lasik association. This is a non-profit association that provides information about the potential risks of laser eye surgery with corneal cutting. They recommend and cite as an example the Schwind AMARIS laser that we use.

What to choose: Comparing technologies

The 100% Laser Smartsurface surgery (Trans PKR) that we offer is not the only existing technology. You can also find other techniques/technologies.


A contact technology. The Lasik operation is performed in two stages:

  1. Cutting a thin strip of cornea (or “cap”) with a small surgical plane.
  2. Excimer laser photoablation to reduce the thickness of the cornea.

The Femtolasik or Femtosecond laser

This operates according to the same principle as Lasik, except that the cornea is cut with a laser. The corneal cap is then lifted manually and then a laser photoablation is performed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Our Smartsurface technology (Trans PKR) has many advantages:

  • It is suitable for most visual defects
  • It is the fastest technology (as quickly as 20 seconds)
  • Because there is no contact, treatment is completely painless.
  • You avoid any potential complications that may arise from cutting a corneal flap.
  • The prices are currently the most attractive among the technologies offered

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • It may not be suitable for all visual defects (depending on their level, the thickness of your cornea and the diameter of your pupils). For this reason, we offer free appointments to determine whether or not you should have Trans PKR surgery.
  • For three to four days, while the surface epithelium regenerates, you will likely experience eye discomfort, tearing and slightly blurred vision. However, in order to alleviate these discomforts, we routinely apply bandage lenses.
  • For recovery of optimal vision, you can expect to wait up to 15 days after surgery for your vision to be fairly clear, and in 95% of cases, your eyesight will be stable after one month.

Our quality certifications


Basé sur un audit interne
de 350 patients

In order to ensure your safety, our centers have obtained a quality certification for the structure and patient care pathway.

The quality control procedures cover the entire patient journey: patient selection, preoperative examinations, the quality of the operating room, lasers, the maintenance log of the technical platform, and the use of informed consent.